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Un WOD épuisant qui donne tout de même envie de se mettre au CrossFit ®*

Par samuel - Le 22 décembre 2016

Cet athlète de CrossFit ®* Union Square filme son WOD en short cuts.
Cela vous donne envie d’en faire autant ? Son WOD est décrit en commentaire sous la vidéo.

Bon courage !

Work Wednesday! 4 rounds 4 minutes max effort 2 minute rest 10 burpees over the bar 8 freestanding handstand push-ups 6 d ball over shoulder 100 lbs 4 power clean and jerk 165 lbs Start each 4 minute interval with the burpees and keep working til the clock beeps! • Then rested a few minutes and hit some snatches under fatigue 185-195-205-215(F)-225(shown here) • Scaling Just do the burpees Sub regular HSPU or pike push-ups Scale weight on d ball and clean and jerks as needed but it should be a challenging load under fatigue • 💪🏾Powered by @EvolutionAdvanceUS ⬆️Use my discount code « Crews20 » for 20% off supplements that help me build lean muscle and crush workouts at www.evolutionadvance.com • Get after it! _________________________________ #CrewsControl #getafterit #UnionStrong #MoreFitness # CrossFit ®* #Gainz #workout #wod #calisthenics #HIIT #WSHHFitness #liftheavyoftenasineveryday #muscle #abs #squats #bodybuilding #barbell #cardio #weightlifting #strong #fitness #fitfam #bemorehuman #keepcharging #eatclean #trainhard #beawesome #humpday #sweat #hspu

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