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Monté de corde legless + Muscle Up + Ring Handstand Push-up pour Kari Pearce !

Par Arnaud - Le 28 septembre 2016

Kari Pearce (5ème des CrossFit ®* Games 2016) fait un EMOM 10 minutes de monté de corde legless + Muscle Up + Ring Handstand Push-up ! Ici un de ses passages !

This was supposed to be a 10 minute EMOM of 1 legless rope climb and one muscle up into a ring handstand push up but I couldn’t keep up after round 6. The last three rounds were more efficient on my muscle up to handstand position. First time giving this a try but after seeing the guys do them @crossfitgames, my coach @sportspecificpower decided to program them. #gymnasty# CrossFit ®* #muscleup #girlswithmuscle #handstand #inverted #bodyweight #trynewthings #ssp #pumpedlikepearce #crossfitgames #reebok #nano6 #libertypack #rope @fitaid @rpstrength @kettlebellkitchen

Une vidéo publiée par Kari Pearce (@pumpedlikepearce) le

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