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Mattie Rogers gagne les Championnats du Monde Universitaire d’haltérophilie : tous ses lifts en vidéo !

Par Arnaud - Le 21 novembre 2016

Regardez Mattie Rogers gagner les Championnats du monde Universitaires d’haltérophilie ! Voici tous ses lifts en vidéo !

Now that I’m finally home and have good enough wifi to actually upload videos…. here’s all 6 lifts from Worlds (highest of the high quality hookgrip footage obviously). I’m so so grateful to have had the opportunity to once again represent the USA on the international stage. I had so much fun (like always) competing with the women from all over the world! Thank you so much to the coaches and athletes on the trip for making it my favorite so far (minus #StrandedInMexico7PartSeries), you guys were SO supportive and just freaking great people in general. Looking forward to getting back into training and working towards the next one!! #HeadDownEyesForward #EarnedNotGiven #JustWork — – – 95/99/103kg(226lbs) x 122/126/132kg(291lbs) #6for6isfun

Une vidéo publiée par Mattie Rogers 🍰 (@mattiecakesssss) le

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